I read this with horrified fascination. The amount of generational trauma this must have created for both the Moriscas and their oppressors is mind-boggling, as is the sad fact that this pattern has been repeated so consistently throughout history (and is right at this very minute). I can only imagine how haunted you might have felt at times while doing this research. I'm looking forward to reading your novel when it finds its home with a publisher!

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Thanks for your insight, Keith. I am also a riveted and horrified reader as I devour texts from this period. Sometimes, in writing posts, especially about a date and time so far from ours, I wonder if people can see the connections. So thank you deeply for interacting!

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Fascinating history, a bit reminiscent of the present. I’m sure your novel will be a must read to understand that historical period.

Incidentally, a couple days ago I was thinking about Sra. Ana and what she’s up to.

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Thanks, Armand! I'm still at work on the novel. I'm on the third revision. Things are starting to gel and I'm getting closer to finally getting to querying agents. I hope things are going well with your novel-writing!

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Great news! I love it when the story finally gels—it feels like Magic’s at work!

I, too, just finished my novel this week, so I’ll be joining you on the querying journey.

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